Friday, December 26, 2008

Can you smell?

I was told recently that you can smell when someone has just had sex. Now, granted, I smell the wonderful aroma while you are in the middle of the deed. And I do love it. Hell I love how I, I mean it tastes as well. heh But to walk by someone and be able to smell the fact they just had sex either means 1. they forgot to clean up 2. are running to the store because they ran out of rediwhip or lube or 3. they want to bask in the scent to hold onto the moment for as long as they can.

The reason this conversation came up once was, I did run into the store once after one hell of an orgasm, but I cleaned up first, yet, my face was a little flush heh, and either I was just self conscience about it, but men where smiling at me and making small talk. This doesn't happen often. Ok, so perhaps it does on my "hot" days. Everyone has their hot and holy crap what happened to you days. lol I told the person who was the reason for my "glow" about how I was getting smiled at and stuff and he said that is because we can tell when a woman has just had sex. I was like, no sir. How can you tell? He goes, I can smell it. LOL omgosh... if this is the truth then hell, I'm going to be a magnet of smells as I just can't control myself these days. lol MORE MORE MORE GIMME MORE! lol lol lol

Is it wrong for a woman to admit to wanting sex 24/7 7 days a week 365 days of the year? Back in the olden days, it was taboo and only naughty pervy men wanted it that much. But then again, I am a redhead and you KNOW what they say about redheads...

1 comment:

  1. Pheromones, my dear. The nose is far more keen than the eye or ear. We just ignore our instincts in favor of politically correct behavior and we rationalize against acting on our baser instincts.

